miércoles, 4 de diciembre de 2013

7th Conference on Computational Intelligence in Security for Information Systems (CISIS 2014) Call for Papers

First Call for Papers - CISIS 2014
7th International Conference on Computational Intelligence in Security for Information Systems
Bilbao, Baque Country, Spain
25th - 27th June, 2014
CISIS 2014 is organized in conjunction with:
ICEUTE 2014 (http:// iceute14.deusto.es)
CISIS 2014 aims to offer a meeting opportunity for academic and industry-related researchers  belonging to the various, vast communities of Computational Intelligence, Information Security, 

Data Mining, and Biometry, HPC and Grid computing issues.
The need for intelligent, flexible behaviour by large, complex systems, especially in mission-critical 
domains, is intended to be the catalyst and the aggregation stimulus for the overall event. CISIS 
14 provides an interesting opportunity to present and discuss the latest theoretical advances and 
real-world applications in this multidisciplinary research field.
Authors of the best papers presented at CISIS 2014 will be invited to submit an extended version 
to highly reputed international journals, 
The CISIS'14 Proceedings are to be published by Springer in the prestigious Advances in Intelligent 
and Soft Computing Series. This Series is indexed by ISI Proceedings, DBLP. Ulrich's, EI-Compendex, SCOPUS, Zentralblatt Math, MetaPress, Springerlink.
Papers must be written in English.
For each paper, at least one author is required to register and attend the conference to present 
the paper, so as to have it included in the conference proceedings.

CISIS is included in the ranking of the best conferences (B category) established by the Computer 

Science Conference Ranking of the Computing Research and Education Association of Australasia, 

and Excellence in Research for Australia (in 2013).



Researchers who would like to organise a Special Session on topics falling within the scope of the 

conference are invited to submit a proposal for consideration. This should include:

. Decide on the title and content of your session.

. Publicise your session.

. Obtain at least five papers from researchers in the area.

. Find two suitably qualified reviewers for the each of the papers.

. Manage the review process of the papers.

. Ensure the editable wordprocessor versions of the papers are uploaded by the proper deadline.

If you agree to accept this invitation we would be grateful if you could supply the following 

information by 15th of January, 2014:

.Title of the session.

. A paragraph describing the content of the session.

. Name, Surname and Affiliation of the session/workshop chair/co-chairs.

. Email address (please give only one).

. Postal address.

. Telephone number.

. Fax Number.

. URL of web page describing session (if any).

Please, send all this information to: escorchado@usal.es



In order to submit a paper, authors must register at CISIS 2014 conference management system. 

All papers must be submitted in electronic format (PDF format, word document or latex and 




Paper submission deadline 20th February, 2014

Special Session submission deadline 15th of January, 2014:

Acceptance notification 20th March, 2014

Submission of (tentatively accepted) revised papers 1st April, 2014

Final version submission 7th April, 2014

Payment deadline 10th June, 2014

Conference dates 25th - 27th June, 2014



Topics are encouraged, but not limited to:

- Intelligent Data Mining for Network Security: Intrusion Detection Systems, Log Correlation 

Methods, Adaptive Defence of Network Infrastructures.

-Cyber Security and Defence.

- Learning Methods for Text Mining in Intelligence and Security: Document Classification 

and Processing, Ontologies and Conceptual Information Processing, Semantic Information 

Representation, Natural Language Acquisition, Web Semantics in Intelligence and Law-
Enforcement, Adaptive Reasoning, Information Forensics.

- Soft-Computing Methods in Critical Infrastructure Protection: Industrial and Commercial 

Applications of Intelligent Methods for Security, Intelligent Control and Monitoring of Critical 

Systems, Dynamic Adaptive Railway Operation, Centralized Control Systems, Adaptive Planning for 

Strategic Reasoning.

- Intelligent Secure Methods in Railway Operation: Intelligent Methods in Energy and 

Transportation, Planning and Automated Reasoning in Large System Control.

- Computational Intelligence in Biometrics for Security: Biometric Identification and Recognition, 

Biometric Surveillance, Biometric Access Control, Extraction of Biometric Features (fingerprint, iris, 

face, voice, palm, gait).

- Computer Science, namely on HPC and Grid computing issues, Computational Sciences, with 

requirements in HPC and Grid, Computational Engineering with a similar focus, Grid Middleware, 

Grid Computing, Data and Networking Infrastructures, Distributed and Large-Scale Data Access 

and Management, Distributed and Large-Scale Data Access and Management, Data Repositories, 

Distributed Resource Management and Scheduling, Supercomputer/cluster/grid integration issues, 

Grid Performance Evaluation, QoS and SLA Negotiation, Grid and HPC Applications, including e-
Science in general and also Science Gateways, Nanomaterials, High Energy Physics, e-Health, e-
Business, e-Administration, Life Sciences, Earth Sciences, Civil Protection, Computational Sciences 

and Engineering, User Development Environments and Programming Tools for Grid Computing



IEEE Systems Man and Cybernetics-Spanish Chapter

Machine Intelligence Research Labs (MIR Labs)

The International Federation for Computational Logic (IFCoLog)